new Ceremony website + coat check

Your Fascist Dictator raphrat at
Thu Oct 9 21:53:58 EDT 2003

Quoting B <beep at>:

> On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, dutin wrote:
> > umm.... provider?  why don't you just use htdig on the local machine
> > to provide for a onsite search feature that doesn't make it leave the
> > site?  or just make a mysql dbase with the playlists and just use a
> > query to that?
> Using htdig is up to the programmer and site admin (read: "Boo").  

don't call me that.
don't you ever fucking call me that,
you goddamn rat bastard.

i'm a "non-benevolent spiritual guide".
and don't you forget it.

- boo

PS. bring me cookies NOW.


Experts say putting ice cubes up the rectums of unconscious people has 
no physiological benefit and can even lead to seizures and stroke.

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