new Ceremony website + coat check

Pauline Law plaw at
Wed Oct 8 16:09:47 EDT 2003

On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, B wrote:

> Of course, one piece of feedback (not counting a to-be-resolved issue with
> searching playlists) can hardly be representative, so... c'mon, especially
> you new people who aren't too jaded to care!  ^_^ I think it' spretty
> swank that we're one of the few goth nights in the U.S. with
> professionally designed websites and fliers, so it would be nice to know
> if it's worth the trouble.

i think the dancers are really cute.
-makes appropriate squeaky noises in response to cuteness-

and the aesthetic is fairly reflective of what one can expect at ceremony /
pgh in general -- that is, less scuzzy, more beeping things.  so, good
job, artistic envisioners.

i've never seen a ceremony flyer.  maybe you should put up a flyer


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