new Ceremony website + coat check

deeann mikula hartmann goth at
Mon Oct 6 10:09:34 EDT 2003

On Sun, 5 Oct 2003, Ancilla Sea-Maid wrote:

> The Ceremony website has a brand new look ^_^ If you have not seen
> it yet, go check out (site design by
> eamon. he's not subbed to the list anymore, but I'll be sure to fwd
> any feedback)

what was wrong with the old site?  the new one looks like something i
would have designed, and i don't mean that as a compliment.  i don't
know, but it says something more like "brochure website for a late 90s
company" than anything about "goth/industrial" to me.

deeann mikula hartmann

"the limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
   --ludwig wittgenstein, tractatus logico-hilosophicus

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