
DarkThreads mirv01 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 24 08:30:18 EST 2003

I've been in that area several times for work. My
opinion is that it is a goddess-forsaken
wasteland. Christian bookstores outnumber any
other type of bookstore there. My only
consolation, when I have to go there, is that I
get to have some really really really good
southern cuisine, which I really love. One of the
best places to get NC-style BBQ is at Bullocks in
Durham. It is a popular place and most people you
ask would be able to tell you how to get there.
Chapel Hill is kind-of cool and has more of a
worldly upscale flavor to it. I haven't yet
discovered either a goth scene or a bellydance
scene there. Most of my Middle-Eastern
music-oriented friends live about 3 hours away in
Charlotte. But, I am usually working when I'm
there so I haven't spent much time looking for
stuff like that. If you find anything cool while
you are there--please share. I would be
interested in knowing for the next time I have to
go there. Good luck, safe journey.


Megan Irvine <mirv at darkthreads.com>
a.k.a. mirv
a.k.a. Kemani Mavi (min Khafif)
a.k.a. DarkThreads

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