jackets that have been lost a the upstage

deeann mikula hartmann goth at d33ann.com
Tue Dec 16 17:48:19 EST 2003

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Kelly Ashkettle wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, deeann mikula hartmann wrote:
> > i've gotten back wallets, pagers, gloves, cigarette cases, etc.
> I think that means you drink too much, Dee.

heh.  no, i think it means that i just really don't care about "stuff."


ok, well, and that i tend to get a little tipsy from time to time,
too, over the ^H^H^H years that i've been going to the
upstage/attic/laga weekly if not biweekly...

deeann mikula hartmann

"the limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
   --ludwig wittgenstein, tractatus logico-hilosophicus

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