Dead D.J.'s

Chris Mattick CMattick at
Tue Dec 9 13:01:28 EST 2003

This is my absolute favorite news story in weeks... Thank you, Jeremy.

Also, effective immediately, my DJ name is now Grandmasta Sanchez II. "You think you're a Goth DJ? P'shaw, REAL Goth DJs entomb themselves in their own clubs...."

Christopher T. Mattick

Klett Rooney Lieber & Schorling
A Professional Corporation

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>>> Pope Jeremy <automaticlarynx at> 12/09/03 11:21AM >>>
"If not for a recent citywide ban on smoking in bars,
they might never have found the body, police said."

I wonder what's in the walls at The Upstage.

- Pope Jeremy


According to folklore, Michael Faraday, who discovered the principle of electromagnetic induction in the 1830's, was asked by a British politician to what conceivable use electricity might be put. Faraday replied, "Sir, I do not know what it is good for. But of one thing I am quite certain--someday you will tax it."

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