german goth question

DarkThreads mirv01 at
Mon Dec 1 07:13:26 EST 2003

--- I am a gothic chipmunk <elheme at>
> Hi,
> I've noticed that a lot of bands such as anzwut
> etc use what sound like
> bagpipes in their music.  I didn't think that
> bagpipe are cultrally used in
> germany .. why are they used .. or are they not
> bagpipes?

You will find some sort of bagpipe-type
instrument in many cultures around the world. The
Scots didn't invent it. You could even argue that
the Scots got theirs from the Middle-East or the
Balkans. Anyway, there is this German band (well
there's one German guy in it), Wolgemut, that
uses bagpipes, and they play at Ren Faires and
Pennsic. I think that their bagpipes are some
Medieval European variety. Anyway, their music is
popular among the SCA/Ren Faire/Tribal bellydance

Also, the bagpipe-sounding instrument that you
sometimes hear in some goth/celtic music is
really a "chanter"--that's the pipe from a
bagpipe but without the bag--like a recorder but
more nasal-sounding. 


Megan Irvine <mirv at>
a.k.a. mirv
a.k.a. Kemani Mavi (min Khafif)
a.k.a. DarkThreads

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